Monday, August 4, 2014

Daily Workout of an BASIS Admin to ensure system availability and integrity

Hello BASISians,

We as BASIS people, it's our major responsibility to look after our SAP severs and keep maximum up-time to ensure 99.9999 % productivity of respective organisations. Apart from SAP server up-time, it's also crucial to make sure that server performance throughput is per expectation of business users as it plays an important role in running an organisation. I guess almost all BASIS people receives the first call in case any alien behavior occurs in SAP servers and we also face the same with  our own imagined / framed  solution for the time being and later on after putting lots of efforts  into search engine and various logs, we finally get the solution. As we know very well that SAP is versatile and we can never  say that I have X many years of experience & I know everything in X module since on every new day new enhancements & developments  comes and most of the existed scenarios get changed . Whatever it is , but as pro-active action we all need to ensure ourselves that we find the issue before any end user complains.

So, follow below mentioned basic daily activities :-

1. Check whether all the SAP servers are up & running or not . In case of ABAP servers (ECC, BI, PI etc.), check directly through GUI and for JAVA server (EP, PI, CRISP etc.) check the generic URL http:<FQDN of SPA server>:<port> .

2. Check all the below transactions aka reports in each of crucial ABAP servers :-

RZ20: It's a quick way to get all the alerts in one place . More likely you can monitor the spool space . (RZ20 > SAP CCMS Monitor Templates > Spool System > System Wide > Spool > SpoolNumbers > UsedNumbers )

SM50: Check whether any background process is taking long time

SM37: Check whether any scheduled periodic job got failed

ST22: Check if any recursive dump is coming is system and analyse as per available logs.

SM21: If any user complains that his/her user ID is locked due number of wrong attempts , but he didn't do the same , so through SM21, you can find the intruder's terminal name.

ST06: Check file system usage, CPU utilization etc. various leading performance parameters .

DB02: Check the database usage , percentage of free space etc.

SE38: Execute 'FP_TEST_IA_01' & 'FP_TEST_00' to check whether ADS is working or not.

ST03N: To check the system workload, any kind of business transaction analysis and also to compare the loads per instances in a load balancing system.

ST02: You can check memory related findings like SAP memory, NTAB buffer, table buffer etc. . In addition to that you can also synchronize buffer in respective  instances.

SM13: To check whether any updates failed.

SM12: To check if there is any pending locks

SMQ1 & SMQ2 : To check outbound and inbound queue as well as well as number of available entries in respective queues.

SMLG: To check the status of available instance in a logon group.

Db01: To check for any database lock entry.

DBACOCKPIT: Most of the things are can covered in this transaction like table-space monitoring , Lock wait , Log Space etc.

DB12 & DB13: To check the status of backups & redo log files and to schedule backup calendar.

3. Check the DR servers log sequence . If any mismatch appears, apply the missing logs manually.

4. Apart from testing NWA URL  of all JAVA systems , do the following additional checks :-

Check if any object level locks existed for an user, if requires delete the lock to release the object for further use.

Check whether all JCO connections (used) are working or not.

In case of ESS/MSS , check whether CONNECTOR, WAS, ITS connections are working or not.

5. Finally check the EWA report for any patching , applying security notes or any further steps to running SAP smoothly.

6. You can take the help of OS team to create alert if SAP services get turned off in server,so that immediate action can be taken. For example in windows system if SAP<SID>_<instance number> service gets stopped, it will send SMS or mail to inform the administrator to take immediate action.

7. In all the new net-weaver systems, to OS Collector service can be started with with following two windows services , so make sure that both are running to get current system statistics :-



I hope , it would somehow help BASIS Admin to tackle most of the common issues. At the end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank.